The population of Bantu

The Bantou or Bantu designates together vast of peoples of the 'afrique-subsaharienne'.
Peoples of language Bantou or Bantu began to emigrate by successive waves since the gulf of Guinea and reached the region in the first centuries of the Christian era. The first inhabitants of the present Angola spoke of languages khoïsaneses, and they were repulsed progressively toward the south by the Bantus. These last crossed themselves during centuries with people’s natives and founded kingdoms. One of them, the Kongo (him «country of the panther») finishes by dominating the region and was to them apogee at the time of the arrival of the Europeans. Bins that these peoples are related to the some to others of the biologic view point, they would be erroneous to speak of race Bantu. The unit of the Bantus is essentially linguistic and, incidentally, cultural. The scattering of the Bantus on immense territories. They constitute the big majority of populations to the south of a line leaving of Douala to lead to the mouth of the Tana in the ocean Indian while spending to the north of Lake Victoria, well that relatively recent, dragged many métissages and some morphological mutations owed to the adaptation to the climate. Otherwise ethnological some populations lie very distant of the Bantus (as the Tutsis) speak of languages Bantu. The immigration of the Bantus pose to spiny problem historians.


In central Africa, the Bantous are very extensively majority. 
In oriental Africa, they dominate in Kenya (Kikuyu, Luthya, Kamba) and in Uganda, compose the population of the Tazanie exclusively and form 85% of Rwandans and Burundaises (Hutu). In all the southern Africa, the Bantous dominate the demography of a crushing manner. To the whole the number of the Bantous is appraised to more than sixty