Origins and the Evolution

To XIII century by the legendary Nimia Loukéni come from the East and that establishes his Capital to Mbali present Mbanza-Congo, (the center of the Kongo kingdom was its capital city, Mbanza). From there, the Kongo rulers established a highly organized kingdom. The village was the basic political unit of the kingdom Mani kongo or Lord of the Kongo was the founder of Kingdom. The kingdom spread Congo to the North to the Kouango to the East and the Kouanza to the South. And was divided in six provinces of which the more vast and richest to the South was the one of Mbamba. She/it could mobilize says one 400 000 men of war. The arrival of Portuguese the Capital Mbanza became Sâo Salvador the Fundamental of the country translated himself by a fast flight but fleeting of Christianity.

Powerful and very structured, this one spread on what regains nowadays, the North of Angola, the East of the R.D.C. (ex-Zaire), the Cabinda, all the South of Congo (Brazzaville) and a part of Gabon.